Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Complete Guide To Generate Huge Profits on Facebook!

Facebook started as a purely social site, but now services businesses as well. A business can be very successful at promoting it's products and services because Facebook is the largest social network that exists today and is still growing.

One huge advantage to using Facebook is that setting up a profile page for your business and adding additional pages is free. You also have access to the profiles and information for all of the users. For a business owner, this will help you target the demographics of those who will be interested in your product or service.


Facebook is one of the largest social networking and Web 2.0 sites out there right now, and it just keeps growing. It started out as a site primarily for college students and has grown into a world-wide phenomenon.

And that's what the "FaceProfit" system is about. It's your complete guide to learning how to use Facebook to build your business. This includes building a customer base, testing out a product, and using the site's features to help your business grow.

Click Here To Get Your Step By Step Guide!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Article Marketing with Ezine Articles

What Makes EzineArticles Unique?

Your articles may be picked up by hundreds to thousands of highly-targeted content-hungry ezine publishers who EACH have thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of email list members of their own. That means your article and expertise may be exposed to hundreds of thousands or potentially even millions of people.

Top 9 Reasons Why You Should Submit Your Articles To Now:

1. Increase Your Product or Services' Sales - the bottom line justification to submit your articles today!
2. You benefit from the last 7 years of credibility and trust building that we've done to in the marketplace; Hundreds of thousands of unique visitors who come to our site daily may be able to find your articles.
3. Ezine publishers pick up relevant articles from our site for publication in their niche email newsletters and websites. You can only benefit from this if your articles are in our site.
4. Build brand equity & exposure. You may even find yourself published in someone else's book because of having your article found in our site!
5. You may also find new joint venture partners who are introduced to you via your articles in our site.
6. Your articles join good company along with the other thousands of experts who share your editorial integrity/quality.
7. Get traffic spikes over the coming months and a continual level of traffic for years to your website -- all because your articles are listed in!
8. Your articles will be sent to our high traffic RSS Feed. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it makes it easy for ezine publishers and webmasters to get immediate notification when your articles are added to our site.
9. Your articles will be sent to one of our over 400+ niche daily email alerts that notify our permission-based email list members whenever new articles are available that match their unique interests.

Click Here to Sign Up For a Free Ezine Article Account

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Draw Traffic To Your Website or Blog

How to Draw Traffic To Your Website Or Blog
By Joe Hunley

With the many Websites and Blogs being added everyday, the need to increase your ranking in search engines, and Draw Traffic to Your Site or Blog is becoming more and more difficult. The greater number of Websites give viewers a larger selection to choose from. As a Website or Blog owner you are probably using several different tools to Promote your Site, some perhaps Free, while others cost. One method, overlooked by many, has become a primary part of My Personal promoting Campaign, Article Writing !
The reason for this is that Writing Articles has proven to be a Free and Effective method of delivering Traffic to my Site, day after day. There have been numerous Articles that receive thousands of viewers a year! How does this help you? Your Article has a Author Bio, this is where you enter Info about YOU, including your Website!!!

Difficulty: Easy

Instructions. Things You'll Need:
Blog or Website
The Desire to Succeed

Your Traffic will not only increase by people following your Link to your Site, but also when another Site or Blog uses your Article. To use your Article--They must leave it in Tact--meaning your link to your Site is now available on their Site also--In your Article! Not only is this a great way to increase your Traffic, it also improves your Link Popularity. How---When you Publish your Article--You have a Link back to your Site, When someone uses your Article---Bingo--A link back to your Site. After publishing your Articles, you can check for Links easily--go to a search engine and enter---Link:Your list will show-Up.

Find a subject that interest you, and you feel will interest other people---One way to determine the popularity of a subject is to do a Keyword Search. Any search engine will do that--this shows you what people are looking for.

If you are already familiar with your subject---Start Writing---if not---do the research on your subject until you can write an informative Article.

Give your viewer a "TON" of information (Useable Info). I believe 400 to 700 words is usually enough, but feel free to do whatever it takes to get the point across. Do Not--drag it on--The object is to keep the readers interest, and gain his trust that you know what you are talking about--Bringing the reader to your BIO!!

Publish It! There are countless Article Submission Sites. There are authors that believe One Good Article, On One or Two Sites is enough. My logic is --if you have written a great article, that draws a lot of Readers--It will draw even more on several submission sites. Software is available to submit your Articles to numerous Sites and decrease the amount of time you spend submitting. You can purchase Software, or find a free download. Whichever way you go--the object is to Get Your Article viewed.

So--If you are looking for a "No Cost" or "Low Cost" Effective tool to use in the Promotion of Your Site or Blog----Write some Articles--There's a little "Author" in all of us.

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Read more: How to Draw Traffic To Your Website Or Blog |

Don't Let Fear Keep You From Being Successful


For some reason, our minds lead us to think that the familiar is usually the best way to live.

It's crazy, isn't it? Even though we're not happy with our situation, our natural tendency is to prefer the way things are over what we can make it.

We don't like being uncomfortable. Some people call it being pushed outside our "comfort zone."

Here's the way we look at it...

In today's world, we have the tools, resources, and education right at our fingertips to accomplish anything.

And with the way the "corporate world" is looking, it seems to be a bigger risk to live according to your boss's rules. Not to mention the threat of layoffs and downsizing.

When you look at it, that job security that so many people search for isn't so secure after all!

So don't let your fear of risk hold you back. Because you're probably not really risking that much to try and achieve your goals and dreams.

Try and remember that those risks are mostly your natural reaction to change.

Put them in perspective and you'll be able to master those feelings once and for all!


Let's get this out of the way right now...

Failure in business does NOT mean you are a failure as a person.

So what if you fail at a business venture!

It's not the end of the world. In fact, you should use failure as a learning opportunity:

What mistakes were made, and how can you prevent them next time?

How can you change the course of the business to make it a success?

Everyone knows about Michael Jordan's success.

But here is what he says about his failures:

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

Listen... the cost of starting and running an Internet business is so low, you can get in and try selling to different markets to quickly and easily see which one is most promising.

Besides, you're not on your own. You don't have to reinvent the wheel yourself. Just follow someone who has been successful and copy their systems. Finally, never forget that failure is not permanent.

Just pick yourself up and start again!


If you're the type of person who thinks that something has to be perfect before you allow the world to see it... which means that you NEVER push your business out into the world... you're not alone.

At some point, you just need to get over your potential
embarrassment and say, "To heck with everyone, I'm doing this!"

Your job isn't to be perfect. No one expects you to be perfect, not even your future customers.

They just want you to deliver what you promise and to be responsive when they need help.

They expect you to be human, and humans sometimes make mistakes. No big deal. Just make it right with your customers and they'll continue to be happy.

Here's the BOTTOM LINE:

There are a million things to be afraid of.

But you possess something more powerful than all of those fears...

Your desire to succeed!

Continually remind yourself that those fears you have inside are totally artificial.

Take the leap toward your goals and you'll begin to leave those fears in the dust!